Author: Jeffrey Skevington
Justice and Tyranny
Chapter 36, The Aging Knight, Part 1
In this chapter we discuss some uncomfortable questions. Mainly “How do we regard prowess when the physical ability begins to wane?”
If you are in a combative sport, you deal with fatigue and injury your whole career. There is an inevitable point when physical skills deteriorate, and injuries weigh more heavily. How do we compensate for diminished strength or speed? What other virtues and skills can we bring to the fore?
Chapter 36, The Aging Knight, Part 2
Vigor of Character
A Chivalrous Spirit
Human Possibility
Chapter 35, Renown v. Humility
Renown may be valued by anyone on the path of Chivalry. It speaks to our success and progress on the path. But how can one guard against self-aggrandizement and it’s cousin false humility? We discuss this topic because we recognize its importance, to anyone seeking the true path, as one of the most common potential pitfalls.
Chapter 33, Drink Like a Grownup, Part 1
The Chivalric Life should be celebrated! This may occasionally involve the imbibement of strong drink. When in your Chivalric Life this should occur, be prepared! Here is our quick and handy guide to ordering a drink in public, and drinking like you know what you’re doing.