Human Possibility

Renown may be valued by anyone on the path of Chivalry. It speaks to our success and progress on the path. But how can one guard against self-aggrandizement and it’s cousin false humility? We discuss this topic because we recognize its importance, to anyone seeking the true path, as one of the most common potential pitfalls.
The Chivalric Life should be celebrated! This may occasionally involve the imbibement of strong drink. When in your Chivalric Life this should occur, be prepared! Here is our quick and handy guide to ordering a drink in public, and drinking like you know what you’re doing.
The knights of history were charged to “Defend the Faith.” What does this mean to us in the modern day? Whose faith? Ours certainly, but what if we profess no religion in particular? What if we find some people’s expression of their religion to be offensive? This episode takes on those questions and, we hope, offers some guidance.
In our effort to bring the Virtues to every aspect of our lives, including the commonplace and mundane, we turn our Chivalric lens upon what is, for most of us, an everyday activity. Sharing the road is a social activity, and while there are laws that govern its use, we can also bring courtesy, generosity and justice to our driving habits.