“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to Society.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to Society.” – Theodore Roosevelt
If we are fortunate as a martial artist, or anyone that pursues excellence in a skill, we eventually find a place in our minds that is both freeing and calming. That taps into our training and our understanding of our sport or art. What can it look like? And is there a way to train for that state specifically?
In martial arts, like many endeavors, different approaches to skill can be identified as “Analytical” or “Instinctive.” While different, they are not opposed. We discuss how both can be integrated and combined to support the progress of an individual as they gain skill and experience in nearly any pursuit.
In order to guard ourselves in conversation, just as in combat, it is useful to be versed in the strategies and techniques of those who would do us harm. We examine logical fallacies that often arise in in discussion, both as a means of self-defense and a caution not to inadvertently fall into their use.
We believe ourselves to be on a quest, of sorts, in the pursuit of a chivalric life. “The Quest” itself is a substantial part of chivalric and classical literature. But how do we view and undertake quests in our everyday lives? And how important is The Quest in making our lives feel worthy?
“No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.” – JRR Tolkien