In this episode we discuss the trend of villain protagonists in film, television, and novels, as always through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
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Author: Joseph Radding
The Everyday Knight, Chapter 123: The Friendship Recession
In this episode we discuss the idea of a “friendship recession,” as always through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 122: …ocracies and …isms
In this episode we discuss insults throughout history, as always through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 121: Insults
In this episode we discuss insults throughout history, as always through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 120: Parental Control of Curriculum
In this episode we discuss the growing trend of parents demanding control over the curriculum of public schools.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 119: Artificial “Intelligence”? – Part 2
In this episode we continue our discussion of artificial “intelligence” with a guest expert.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 118: Artificial “Intelligence” – Part 1
In this episode we discuss artificial “intelligence” through the lens of the chivalric virtues. And yes, the reason for the quotation marks will become clear.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 117: From Optimism to Nihilism
In this episode we discuss outlooks on the current era, from optimism through realism, pessimism, and nihilism, through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 116: Our Presidential Platform
In this episode we discuss what our presidential campaign platform would be as candidates. As always, we view this through the lens of the chivalric virtues.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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and on YouTube at
The Everyday Knight, Chapter 115: The Rapier Variance
In this episode we discuss a topic specific to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), the variance granted to the East Kingdom for a Crown Tournament to be decided by rapier competition rather than by the traditional rattan combat.
The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at
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and on YouTube at