How’s Your Aim?

How to offer a sincere, and non-creepy compliment, in keeping with the application of chivalric principles.
At The Everyday Knight we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives. You can find us at https://www.everydayknight.com/ or on Facebook at http://tiny.cc/tkdcnz or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/xzjR4CTZbqM
In this video, we discuss why, how, and when to say thank you to demonstrate the virtues of courtesy, humility, and veritas. This video is a companion to our podcast The Everyday Knight, in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at https://www.everydayknight.com/or on Facebook at http://tiny.cc/tkdcnz
In this video, we discuss how and why a sincere apology, rather than a “fauxpology,” can demonstrate the virtues of courtesy, humility, and veritas. This video is a companion to our podcast The Everyday Knight, in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at https://www.everydayknight.com/
or on Facebook at http://tiny.cc/tkdcnz
In this video we discuss how observing the etiquette of dress can demonstrate the virtues of courtesy and propriety. This video is a companion to our podcast The Everyday Knight, in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.
You can find us at https://www.everydayknight.com/
or on Facebook at http://tiny.cc/tkdcnz