From the annals of “pulp fiction” in the early 1930’s we bring you a review of an influential icon and virtual template for the nascent superhero genre. Carl Savage, jr. AKA Doc Savage, The Man of Bronze, is a larger than life character with a specific code that governs his life and spurs his adventures. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, as we de-code the Code of Doc Savage!
Weak Imitations

Chap. 51, IF, by Rudyard Kipling, Part 1
“If,” by Rudyard Kipling, is a late Victorian poem written to honor the stoic tradition but we believe it articulates many of the modern virtues we espouse. These include Fortitude, Courage, Diligence and Humility. We give a reading and our interpretation of the poem with our modern interpretations.
IF, by Rudyard Kipling, Part 2
Humility Brings Greater Honor

Chapter 50, The Virtues of Bushido
There are many similarities between the Samurai of feudal Japan and the knights of medieval Europe. In this episode we compare their code of conduct with our modern day code of Chivalry.
Noble Obligations

Chapter49/Video6: Cancel Culture
In this video, we discuss “Cancel Culture” and what it means, and doesn’t mean, with an understanding of the chivalric virtues.
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An Educated Menace

“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to Society.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Chapter 48, The Buffet
In this episode, we discuss an SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) specific topic. During a knighting ceremony, the Sovereign performing the knighting delivers a buffet (pronounced with a hard “t”) as the last time the knight should take such a strike without answering (“Let this be the last blow you take unanswered”).
This episode was prompted by a recent knighting where the buffet resulted in much online discussion.
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