The Test of Character

Leadership can be considered a talent as well as a skill. But what qualities do we look for when selecting a leader, or deciding whether to follow? And which virtues comprise what we think of as “good” leadership?
Modern concepts of Loyalty differ somewhat from the complex medieval relationships of Fealty, or Homage. Yet Loyalty was also considered extremely important as a virtue to the historic knight. We look at the differences and similarities, and how they relate to our modern definition.
Part 2 of our discussion on Divided Loyalties
Good communication skills bring value to every human interaction. In the age of instantaneous worldwide communication, and the proliferation of social media platforms, how does one maintain courtesy and the other virtues within the limits of “text only” interaction?
Martial Arts films from Asia have influenced Western films for decades. We examine a few better known examples, throw in some of our favorites, and compare the virtues portrayed with their counterparts in Western movies.In particular we are looking for contrasts between virtues, and how they are valued in these genres.