The Everyday Knight, Episode 37 Video 4, Women in the Order of Chivalry (SCA), Part 2

In part two of this episode, we continue our discussion of women in the Order of Chivalry (SCA) with three renowned knights, Duchess Elina, Countess Fern, and Viscountess Elizabeth. This is part two of this episode.

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Episode 37 Video 4, Women in the Order of Chivalry (SCA), Part 1

In this episode, we discuss the women in the Order of Chivalry (SCA) with three renowned knights, Duchess Elina, Countess Fern, and Viscountess Elizabeth. This is part one of this episode.

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Chapter 36, The Aging Knight, Part 1

In this chapter we discuss some uncomfortable questions. Mainly “How do we regard prowess when the physical ability begins to wane?”

If you are in a combative sport, you deal with fatigue and injury your whole career. There is an inevitable point when physical skills deteriorate, and injuries weigh more heavily. How do we compensate for diminished strength or speed? What other virtues and skills can we bring to the fore?