The Everyday Knight, Chapter 110: What a Young Man Should Know, 1933 – Part 2

In this episode we continue our discussion of a 1933 article in Harper’s Magazine, “What a Young Man Should Know'” and how this list relates to the chivalric virtues.

The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.

You can find us at
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The Everyday Knight, Chapter 109: What a Young Man Should Know, 1933 – Part 1

In this episode we discuss the first part of a 1933 article in Harper’s Magazine, “What a Young Man Should Know'” and how this list relates to the chivalric virtues.

The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.

You can find us at
or on Facebook at
and on YouTube at

The Everyday Knight, Chapter 107: Is America Meaner?

In this chapter we discuss the premise of a recent article contending that America got mean. Is America meaner than it used to be? Are people less kind, patient, or tolerant?

The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.

You can find us at
and on Facebok at
and on YouTube at

The Everyday Knight, Chapter 106: Lessons From a Life in Armor

In this chapter we discuss the lessons we have each learned from our decades-long experience participating in medieval armored combat sport.

The Everyday Knight is our podcast in which we discuss the application of chivalric principles to our modern lives.

You can find us at
or on Facebook at
and on YouTube at